10 Minutes a Day for Immunity Boost and Improved Energy

Don’t let the winter weather get you down. If you have been fighting off the flu or cold, trying to stay warm, focusing on taxes and are thinking to yourself “Where is the time for fun and exercise?” then I have the program for you. With 10 minutes of easy movement a day, you can combat the aches and pains that come along with cold weather, such as low energy, and lack of focus. Whether you feel stiff and achy or tired and unable to focus- try these simple moves to get your circulation moving and oxygen flowing to the extremities of your body.

Choose an upbeat song that makes you feel like dancing.

Do a series of 10-30-60 seconds each of the following exercises.

March/ Hamstring Curls in Place- Press your arms upward to increase your heart rate and stretch your torso.

ham curl

High knees- bring those knees to the stomach to strengthen the lower abdominal muscles. Add alternating elbow taps to opposite knee to whittle the waist.



Toe Backs/ Peg Leg- tap the toe behind you or lift the leg behind you to increase circulation to your backside.

standing kickback

Low-Intensity Jacks- do jumping jack arms, with side leg taps alternating sides.

modfied jack

Bent Arm Chest Flys- open and close your chest with bent arms to bring circulation to your upper back and neck. Do together and alternate sides.

Reverse Flyes

Wall pushups- a modified version to help build shoulder mobility, core, and wrist strength.

chest pushups

Easy squats- do to get the blood moving to the whole body and lubricate the joints.


Enjoy this exercises two or three times per day for optimal satisfaction. Keep checkig out www.kivatherapeutics.com for more easy exercise combinations. Yours in health- Jenny Eggers

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