Getting the Most from a Massage

Many of us run from activity to activity, not really taking much time for ourselves. Between obligations of work, home, and social life we are left with very little time to rest. Keep your muscles healthy with a regular massage.

backpain_istock_000009735766xsmallMassage increases the circulation to your body, and reduces the resting tone of your muscles so you feel more flexible and at ease while resting. Your muscles need regular massage to flush out the toxins that compile in your muscles and to repair damage caused from over use. Just like your car needs regular oil changes, car washes, and an alignment in these North Idaho roads! Here are a few common questions I hear from massage clients. Hopefully they can help you devise a plan for creating better muscular health.


I have never had a massage before what can I do to get the most out of it?
Be communicative with your massage therapist. Let them know if you want more or less pressure, or if something hurts or feels uncomfortable. Don’t worry about hurting your therapists feelings. We want to know if you want more or less pressure so it will be the best experience for you. Your therapist will want to know if you are on prescription drugs, have chronic disease, or an acute injury. They will want to know about your old injuries, level of stress, and daily activities. All of these factors play into the health of your muscles, and body systems. Your therapist will be better equipped to plan an appropriate treatment if they know all about your health.

I have heard that I may be sore after a massage…is this true?
It is true that massage can make you sore, especially if you are new to massage. Getting a massage can be like doing an hours work of strenuous exercise without any previous training. You may have some muscles that feel tender and sore, and you may feel a little dizzy and light headed after the massage. Typically the soreness does not last longer than a day or two- just like starting an exercise regiment, and the dizziness you can counteract by drinking plenty of water for a few days before your massage and afterwards to flush toxins out of your body.

How often should I get a massage?
If you are very active, I recommend 1-2 times per month. Especially if you are just starting an exercise program. Your performance will improve and you will lower your suscebility to injuries. If you are looking for stress reduction, try once a month. Minimally I recommend once a quarter. I like to get one as the season changes. It resets the the body and prepares it for the changes that occur in the environment.

Also-don’t be afraid to try many massage therapists. Each will have their own style and you will find that you like one therapist for their neck and shoulder massage, and another for their leg massage. Come up to Kiva Therapeutics in Priest Lake this spring and try some of our therapists. We sell bundles of massage at a discounted rate.


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