Hey Soul Sister

The song “Hey Soul Sister” by Train seems to follow me around. Previously, I had only heard it in settings in which it was hard for me to sit still and listen.  A little hyper-active and ADD I like to call myself.  After finally sitting and listening to the lyrics and watching the video I realize what is so nice about it.  The upbeat harmonica and the fast rhythm guitar make me want to bounce and bop as I listen to the song.  It seems to go straight to my core, hugging my innards. \”Hey Soul Sister\” by Train

It is like the sensation of finding that something you have been looking for all over the place.  It is the perfect blend of sweet and sour, it’s like the milk and sugar in my coffee.  I pause and think of all the wonderful people I have met in my day and the light-hearted fun we have had.  The girl-friend that I stayed up with into all hours of the night laughing and talking, the boyfriend I went camping and sailing with, the family trip that was so relaxing and stress free, the practice session with my guitar buddies.  We all know these times; very different and unique for every person.

The song bounced its way into my heart as I sat in front of my computer watching it’s video.  My chest loosened and my breathe came easier as I thought about the wonderful people in my life.  I thought about the good times to come-my heart softened and smiled at me.  It thanked me for remembering it and that it wants to be joyous too; that it doesn’t want to hurt so much and be so sad for those people who are losing their jobs and homes in these depressing times.  I remind myself that joy exists still today even if I need to seek it out.   And I can also dish it out.

I believe Train is singing about a person they are enamored with- and maybe a bit too much- but it doesn’t have to be just love about another person.  It can be love for a stress-free work environment, a a fulfilling hobby, or a nutritious meal.

We are inundated by external and internally set deadlines, an over-abundance of media stimuli and all sorts of noise which we have to grow accustomed to in order to function in a modern world.  We become shielded from sensation in order to be productive.  With that shielding we also lose a heart-felt connection with the world. We no longer feel our environment.  Culturally we tend to intellectualize our experience rather than feeling it.

Have we forgotten how to create that sensation i mentioned above, the sensation of finding the perfect something?  Of allowing a sensation to envelope you, wrap it’s arms around you and make you feel whole and loved.

Perhaps this song doesn’t envelope you- but another might!  My idea of Music Therapy is that it makes you feel or move and gets into the very part of you that needs it.   Maybe you have a headache?  The perfect song helps you float down the gentle river relaxing your scalp muscles and reminds you to let your head float on your neck.  Or you have a stellar stereo system at home that kicks out some bass while you dance around the house cleaning. Instead of having a back ache from scrubbing and vacuuming-your spine feels limber and you feel you have achieved a happy and clean base of operations.  Perhaps you have that favorite chair you recline in and listen to the perfect composition in the hard to find recording; satisfying your sense of being, or you have that favorite cd you put into your car stereo and belt along to instead of screaming profanities at the other drivers who obviously don’t know how to drive!

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