Infrared Light Treatment

Infra-Red Light Treatment:
I was first introduced to this type of treatment after a car accident in which we were t-boned by an on-coming car. The deep muscles of my spine had been in contraction from this accident for a couple of weeks by the time I received the treatment but I received immediate relief nevertheless. The small postural muscles of my spine, not easily palpated and massaged by the average practitioner, let go allowing small micro adjustments of my spine. Bit by bit, my energy increased, my mood improved and my range of motion improved. Not to mention the pain relief!

For this reason, an Infra-Red lamp has been added to the menu of treatment options at Kiva Therapeutics. With one treatment as short as 30 minutes you will receive the following benefits:

Reduction of inflammation
Improvement in flexibility and joint mobility
Relief of pain and muscle spasm
Enhanced healing
Decreased soreness, swelling and numbness

What is Infra-Red Light?
Red is the longest wavelength of light visible; emitting at 5-1,000 microns. All objects emit infrared heat; some more than others. The human body emits anywhere from 3-50 microns with 9.4 being the average. The Earth once it is heated emits around 10 microns. Infra-Red is the heat you feel from the sun, without the harming ultraviolet rays that cause sun-burn and cancer. An electromagnetic radiation that stimulates vasodilation therfore increasing the thermal temperature of the correlating tissues. The InfraRed Rays heat the object not the air; therefore making it safe for individuals who are heat intolerant.

How is InfraRed Light utilized?

InfraRed is used in maternity wards to help the infant stay warm and recover from the birth trauma. PT’s use it to heal acute injuries, and soften old scarred tissue. One can utilize a sauna for full body access, a lamp for specific treatment or various other sleeves, mats and clothing. When the frequency matches the frequency of the body, cellular reconstruction and repair happens. Toxins get sent out through the cirulatory system and new blood gets brought in to the tissue.

What it does:
Stimulates collagen production and protein synthesis
Improves the condition and appearance of the skin
Stimulates micro vibrations increasing thermal temperature of the tissue therefore vasodilation occurs; revitalizing the tissue through increased circulation,
increase metabolism
stimulates sweating-detoxifying and getting rid of cellular debris
The infrared can read 1-3 inches deep in the body stimulating deep muscles and organs

Use to treat:
Carpal Tunnel
Chronic Pain
Raynaud’s Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue
Depressed metabolism

Some Possible Contraindications:

Systemic Lupus
Adrenal Suppression-body does not respond to heat
Silicone joints
Closed infection

As with all new health-care regimes if you are concerned with how it will effect your body and its’ systems, consult with your health care team before utilizing.

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